Make it a GREAT day


I know this much is true:
1) At 40, and as the mom of 3 kids, I should no longer be doesn’t go over well, if you catch my drift...😳😂 (FYI--It took like 15 shots to get a successful jump!!)
2) ‘Make it a great day!’ is what my husband tells our kids on his way out the door every morning and I LOVE him for that. It tells my kids (and me!) that our day is truly what we make of it. If we say we’re going to have a bad day, or have our mind set on it being a bad day—guess what? 
It’s gonna be a bad day. 😫 
BUT, if we set out to have a great day—full of intention, mindfulness, Love, grace, compassion, kindness, adventure, courage—then we are bound to make it GREAT. 
This in no way means we won’t face challenges, heartache, disappointment or that bad things won’t happen to us or around us.
It means that when we start off our day with a positive mindset, we are less likely to let all the bad stuff define us. 
Because we are strong, capable, brave, treasured & loved. 
And ain’t nothin’ gonna keep us down.
Here’s to starting off our week with a bang—or in my case, a JUMP!!